I'm not sure that I have a use-case for Rust that would suit it. I used to think that Rust could do anything, and it can, but whether I would enjoy doing that thing using Rust is another question. It's like driving across Africa in a Mazda Miata; I'm sure it can do it, and I bet some sections of road I'd love, with the hood down at sunset, but I don't know if I'd really choose that car for that job :-) but as you point out, it's just fun seeing what different cars drive like.
If an employer used Rust, I'd have a use for it, and I'd have other developers sharing the extra load, and I'm sure I'd learn to love it, if I pushed through.
The extra load is caused by Rust forcing you to consider and code for all eventualities, exhaustively, which is what most other languages do not do.