I love C#, especially since the work on null checking. I didn't like the bloat of the frameworks, and find everything is much smaller and lighter in other languages, but the teams doing more interesting work tend not to use C#, though they might use Java.
Go's error handling is okay. All the checking obscures the happy path, in my opinion, but I expect my eyes to learn to scan the code differently over time. After C# added tuple return types, I ended up writing a little more in the style of Go and Rust, which has a Result<Ok, Err> for anything that could reasonably be expected to fail, and left exceptions for the unexpected. I like that I can choose this design in languages with exceptions.
You might like Zig given your background, though again, it depends on the applications of it.
I think a big part of liking a languages comes down to how close you are to the outcomes. If you're an Indie Hacker, you're going to appreciate rapid prototyping and shipping, and know that customers don't care for your code. It's a means to an end.
If you're way removed from an end user or the money code can generate, then you may enjoy the craft of code in itself, and its logical beauty, which I think is what Rustaceans love. If it compiles, it's correct. The types are incredible shapes that dissolve into math.